Birds gather into a swarm and then disperse into their individual lives. A magical sight.
acrycic on canvas 80x80cm
1170 Euro
Birds dance in a chaotic cloud, each time surprising with their shapes, reminding of something infinitely small, while being something united and large.
acrycic on canvas 80x80cm
When air and water merge into a single canvas, ships float in space and point to the horizon
acrycic/ink on canvas 80x80 cm
990 Euro
When the air becomes too hot, ships soar above sea.
acrycic/ink on canvas 80x80 cm
990 Euro
Ships are only for the sea (left)
acrycic/ink on A3 paper (framed)
630 Euro
Birds are for the sea (right)
acrycic/ink on A3 paper (framed)
630 Euro
Accompanying diagrams of the migration routes of birds and ships
not for sale
not for sale